Other nature or gardening organizations
- Missouri Prairie Foundation
- Missouri Native Plant Society
- Idalia Society
- Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
- Missouri Department of Conservation
- Missouri Department of Natural Resources
- Nature Conservancy
- Audubon Society
- American Public Garden Association
- Audubon Society of Missouri
- Conservation Federation of Missouri
- Ozark Wildflowers by Don Kurz
- Butterflies through Binoculars: The East A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Eastern North America by Jeffrey Glassberg
- Dragonflies through Binoculars: A Field Guide to Dragonflies of North America by Sidney W. Dunkle
Native plant sources
- Missouri Wildflowers Nursery
- Grow Native (for lists of native plant sources for Missouri and lots ot info on native plants)
- Hamilton Native Outpost
Gardens in Missouri and nearby states to visit
- Seek (a fantastic ID app by iNaturalist that works with the iPhone camera to quickly identify plant and animal species)
- Merlin (an amazing free bird ID app by The Cornell Lab that works on iPhone by identifying bird calls through audio sound patterns)
- iBird Explorer Midwest (great iPhone App that includes bird songs and pictures)
- Google Earth To see a highly detailed photographic map of the PGT install this free application on your computer and load in the PGT address :
8945 County Road 431
New Bloomfield MO 65063 - Wildflowers Search (lets you find wildflowers by location, season, color, etc.)
Nature Images