As a relatively new public garden with a paid staff of only two to manage hundreds of acres, you can imagine how much value we place on volunteers! Once you’ve visited, you’ll get a chance to see what we offer and how you might best help us out. Then contact volunteer@prairiegardentrust.org
We have lots to do to ensure that people will be able to experience the magic of nature here for years to come. Your tax-deductible support can help fund specific projects such as the design and development of key overlooks or help us enhance the grounds in more varied ways. If you’d like to discuss a donation, just email lorna@prairiegardentrust.org or call 573-295-6349. If you’d rather just make one, then send it to: Prairie Garden Trust, 3914 Foxdale Rd., New Bloomfield, MO 65063.
For those needing information on qualifying tax-deductible donations, our business name registered with the IRS as eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions is: Prairie Gardens Charitable Foundation. Our “doing business as” name is Prairie Garden Trust.
Join us! Annual memberships are tax deductible. Contributor level and above receive a private tour. Supporter level also receives a nature print.
$30 – Individual
$50 – Family
$100 – Contributor
$500 – Supporter
Send check to: Prairie Garden Trust, 3914 Foxdale Rd., New Bloomfield, MO 65063