Dark-eyed Junco
This week I saw my first Junco for the season. They arrive as cold weather sets in and then migrate north to spend their summers in Canada.
This week I saw my first Junco for the season. They arrive as cold weather sets in and then migrate north to spend their summers in Canada.
I’m starting to see White-throated Sparrows again. They spend the summer in Canada and move down here to spend their winters.
In North America about 75% of birds migrate south for the winter. Of those that remain behind, one of my favorites in the Tufted Titmouse. Their appearance and behavior makes … Continued
I saw one Monarch yesterday, the first I’ve seen in a couple of weeks. Before that I was seeing them daily. The main migration of Monarch butterflies is over. Likewise, … Continued
This is a common yellow butterfly at the PGT. I’ve been seeing a lot of them the past few weeks. Like many butterflies they are feeding on the asters.
Another butterfly feeding on New England Aster. New England Aster is one of the best wildflowers for butterflies because they bloom late in the Fall when other plants have quit.
The New England Asters have just started blooming, right in time for Monarch butterfly migration. Many people know that milkweeds are good for Monarchs, but the word hasn’t gotten out … Continued
A butterfly feeding on a Purple Coneflower. Wikipedia says Painted Lady’s are one of the most widespread of all butterflies, found on every continent except Antarctica and South America.
Refilling our hummingbird feeders this week, Lorna noticed a bird flopping around, caught in a spider’s web. Gently lifting the bird, she removed the web, and it flew away unharmed. … Continued
Swamp Milkweeds are one of the last milkweeds to bloom. I found some on the bank of the Lotus Ponds yesterday and on it I found a Monarch caterpillar stretching … Continued