Smooth Sumac
Fall has just started and we are starting to get hints of fall color. Sumacs are one of the most reliable shrubs for color display. At the PGT a good … Continued
Fall has just started and we are starting to get hints of fall color. Sumacs are one of the most reliable shrubs for color display. At the PGT a good … Continued
Flowering Dogwood, Cornus florida Flowering Dogwoods always have good fall color.
Serviceberry is a small native tree that can have wonderful fall color. To see Serviceberry at the PGT look along the ridges and bluffs above Hiller’s Creek. They seem to … Continued
The native grasses have lost most of their color, but their seed heads still sparkle when backlit by sunshine. This is Indian Grass, the most common tall grass at the … Continued
White, shining seed tufts appear this time of year on this grass. They are very attractive when backlit. The tufts remain all winter. The best place to see Little … Continued
This Common Buckeye is feeding on New England Aster. New England Aster is one of the best wildflowers for butterflies because they bloom late in the Fall when other plants … Continued
Since it’s the end of the growing season, there aren’t many wildflowers blooming now at the PGT, but I’m still finding Blue Lobelia. The place to find it is along … Continued
Yesterday a massive flock of Robins settled onto the trees at the PGT and spent the entire day eating and drinking. It’s hard to be sure of how many, but … Continued
Now is a good time to see the powdery blue berries on eastern red cedars. Some trees are covered with thousands of fruits and others have almost none. Cedars are … Continued