Birds-foot Violet
//= __('By', 'sage'); ?>//= get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta('ID')); ?>//= get_the_author(); ?>These attractive wildflowers are blooming now along path leading up to The Point. They like rocky, well-drained, acid soils.
These attractive wildflowers are blooming now along path leading up to The Point. They like rocky, well-drained, acid soils.
Dogwoods are my favorite flowering tree and now is the time to enjoy them. This picture was taken along the sidewalk from the PGT Center to Beaver Lake.
Dogwood season is one of the highlights at the PGT. They’re starting to look good now and should be peak for another two or three weeks. The best place to … Continued
The Bluebells are in peak bloom now at the Prairie Garden Trust (PGT). The best place to find them is in moist, rich woods.
The plums are starting to put on a show. There are thickets of these small trees in the prairies and along the edges of the woods.