Flowering Dogwood
//= __('By', 'sage'); ?>//= get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta('ID')); ?>//= get_the_author(); ?>Dogwoods are the most spectacular of the native, flowering trees. They are looking especially good at the PGT right now.
Dogwoods are the most spectacular of the native, flowering trees. They are looking especially good at the PGT right now.
The forest canopy is starting to fill and the oaks are starting to bloom. It’s a magical time of year. This is a view from the trail along the bluffs … Continued
Dogwoods are approaching their peak bloom now. At the PGT you can find them along the sidewalks and in the edge of the woods.
As Spring progresses, I’m seeing several kinds of butterflies. Here a Swallowtail is feeding on the flowers of a crabapple tree.
This woodland wildflower is easy to overlook. The intricate and perfectly symmetrical blossoms are hidden by the leaves. I found a patch of ginger along the creek where we had … Continued
A closeup look into the heart of a dogwood blossom. The flowers are actually the tiny, yellowish green cluster in the center. They are surrounded by four showy, white, petal-like … Continued
The rush of spring wildflowers continues; I’m finding new ones every day. This is one I found blooming at the base of the bluffs along Hiller’s Creek.
The large leaves of this native plant resemble umbrellas. I found a large colony of them yesterday along the sidewalk in the woods near the Prairie Garden Trust Visitor Center.
All the early wildflowers I’ve been finding this spring have been in the woods. Indian Paintbrush is an exception; I’m finding it blooming now in the prairie. Not only does … Continued