Early Spring Wildflowers Walk
d Birds-foot Violet Celebrate the start of spring by joining us at the PGT Early Spring Wildflowers Walk. Damon Kempker, PGT volunteer and Missouri Master Naturalist, will lead visitors along … Continued
d Birds-foot Violet Celebrate the start of spring by joining us at the PGT Early Spring Wildflowers Walk. Damon Kempker, PGT volunteer and Missouri Master Naturalist, will lead visitors along … Continued
Join us for our annual spring birdwalk! Lottie Bushman, excellent birder and teacher, will lead this stroll along our paths (mowed and paved). We’ll be looking and listening for migrating … Continued
Join us for our Wildflower Walk in late May! Botanist Tim Smith will lead the stroll along our paths (mowed and paved). We'll start at 8:30 a.m. and explore edges … Continued