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Mission, Vision and Values for the PGT

PGT Prairie

As we work on totally revising the PGT website we want include some text to explain why we are here; what our goals are. This is what we have come up with so far:


    The PGT is a gem of a nature garden in central Missouri where people enjoy strolling by woods with large old trees, prairies filled with a mix of native wildflowers, and ponds and streams rich in native aquatic life. It is free of exotic, invasive plants and animals. Visitors are inspired there to learn about and take better care of nature.


    The Mission of the PGT is to inspire people by letting them experience the beauty of nature found in a variety of enhanced native habitats on the PGT property where the Ozark hills of southern Missouri and the glaciated plains of northern Missouri meet.


    Native plants are good for healthy habitats, while invasive, non-native plants are detrimental and should be removed. 

    We believe that knowing what plants and animals exist here and how they change over time is valuable. We want to avoid harvesting natural resources on the property for income so mature habitats can develop here.

    We support removing plants (using fire, herbicides and mechanical means) and animals (by trapping or hunting) as needed for the management of a beautiful habitat and to maintain the balance of nature, but not as a source of income or recreation.

    We believe that quiet personal experiences in nature enhance well-being and that crowds detract from that. Large events attracting hundreds should be avoided.

    We believe that unmanaged habitats tend to be messy, but they can be made more visually appealing by following an artistic landscape design. By having some areas of the PGT less tended and other areas along trails more tended, we offer a nature garden within a natural area.

    We believe that knowing the natural, geologic and cultural history of the area is of value.