An ideal time to find exotics is now; before native plants green up. For the past month I’ve been spending 2-3 hours every day hiking over our 600-acres looking for these intrusive plants.
It’s clear that the influx of invasive exotics is increasing.
Here is a list of some of the species we killed today:
1. Bush Honeysuckle – rapidly increasing
2. Autumn Olive
3. Multiflora Rose
4. Callery Pear
5. Japanese Honeysuckle vine
6. Wintercreeper vine
7. Privet
The PGT spends about $40,000/year to control invasive exotics. It looks like we will have to increase our spending if we are going to keep up.
The attached picture is a Bush Honeysuckle. They have me more concerned than anything else.