Country Lane
//= __('By', 'sage'); ?>//= get_author_posts_url(get_the_author_meta('ID')); ?>//= get_the_author(); ?>This is what you see on the road leading up to the visitor center at the Prairie Garden Trust.
This is what you see on the road leading up to the visitor center at the Prairie Garden Trust.
Blue Lobelia, Lobelia siphilitica Late summer is the best time to find this attractive wildflower. Look on the edges of shady creeks.
Monarch, Danaus plexippus Despite millions of flowers blooming in the prairie, we saw only one monarch butterfly yesterday. Perhaps things will improve in a couple of weeks. According to ChatGPT, … Continued
Water Lily, Nymphaea odorata Reflections of a backlit forest surround the water lily leaves. This was taken at the Lotus Ponds at the Prairie Garden Trust (PGT)
Bumble Bee, Bombus sp. A bumblebee feeding on a Purple Coneflower. Bumblebees are common at the PGT this year, but I’m seeing fewer butterflies.
Garter Snake, Thamnophis sirtalis Visitors to the PGT often ask about snakes. I tell them they’re here, but the odds are they’ll never see one. However, yesterday I did see … Continued
Spicebush Swallowtail, Papilio troilus Amazing!
Wild Persimmon, Diospyros virginiana Sunshine from behind makes these leaves glow. Persimmon is a common tree at the PGT that has the annoying habit of trying to take over our … Continued
Rose Mallow, Hibiscus lasiocarpos This wildflower is so stunning that it’s hard to believe it’s native. You can find Rose Mallow along the water’s edge of the ponds at the … Continued
Purple Coneflower, Echinacea purpurea Getting in close reveals the spines in the center of the disc. The scientific name for the flower means hedgehog, which is also spiny.